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Helen's query reminded me of one I tried to post but at the time the list server decided my mail server was a spammer (the drawbacks to shared servers). Mine's a little more complex, though.
I belong to a radio theater group and often serve as director, which 
means I'm responsible for the scripts for those shows.  There are some 
standard requirements for the script format, and I haven't been able to 
figure out how to make them happen automagically through formatting or 
styles.  Would appreciate any help.  Here is what I need:
1.  Header on every page.  No problem with that by itself, but see #2.

2. Every line numbered. Problem I've had here is (a) headers get the numbers, too, and (b) numbering needs to start over on each page.
3.  Need a hanging indent, for spoken lines that don't fit on one 
physical line, but need a tab within the indent (between the line number 
and the text) so the character's name can be inserted.  Don't remember 
the exact problem I've had with this, but it might not be one if item #2 
can be resolved.
As I say, any help would be greatly appreciated!


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