Wow, thank you for these kind words;
you're mighty sweet!
With all the best of wishes for you & yours, now & always,
your friend always,
BTW - I'm quite curious as to the play you're working on;
I've always been involved in the arts too.
On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 6:15 PM, Anthony Easthope <>wrote:
The thing that amuses me is the creative or at least literary geniuses
we seem to have on this list. Anne I compliment you! Although I don't
often respond to the list much these days I still make the effort to
read all threads! I have often considered some aspects of what it is I
can do and I'm still stuck on the time and involvement, It sucks being
in the position where you constantly are traveling and unable to
keep on top of this all! Anyhow, I'd best be off I've got rehearsals
to go to! well on that note - Currently using LO to draft a play that a
youth theatre group will be using as part of the International Festival
of the Arts!
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- Re: [libreoffice-users] Seeking for list moderators (continued)
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