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On 04/05/2013, Sigrid Carrera <> wrote:
Hi Tom,

On 4 May 2013 18:47, Tom Davies <> wrote:

Hi :)
That is a very generous offer but i suspect you would have more fun and be
more useful in other areas of the project!!

That is your opinion. But I think it is very arrogant of you to decide for
someone else, where he would have more fun. Also discouraging someone from
a job that he's willing to take on, is counterproductive.


You are new to the project and really should keep your options open for a
bit longer.  Perhaps just become  more familiar with the types of posts
that do get to this list.  It's an extremely high-traffic list so it's
going to need a LOT of people.  For the project as a whole i think it
be better if you could be a moderator for the Devs Mailing List, not the
Users List!

How do you come to this conclusion? What makes you think, that he would be
a good moderator for the dev list (which isn't even in our infrastructure)
but not for the users list?

If you look at a random selection of typical "replies", this is a
common occurrence.

On the other hand i think Anne and others that have been here a while
would be perfect for this list

What makes Anne perfect for this list? I have a very hard time reading (and
understanding) her posts. But I would never say, that she is (or is not)
perfect for the moderator job. How you write your posts has nothing to do
with moderating a message. It is either accepting or rejecting an email
from someone else for the list. And being able to figure out, if an email
is spam or not (everything that comes from * often is).

Agreed; both these writers often publish gibberish. With such
moderation, spam is likely to increase ;)

Honestly, I was put off by your reply to RD Vaishnav's generous offer. We
do need more moderators on the different lists...

Would you please "moderate" their posts particularly? ;) Please mark
"top-post spam: delete"

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