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On 20/03/2013 at 22:20, Kieran Peckett <> wrote:

Just a quick question: Is the version of LibO on the Pi Store (an app store
for the Raspberry Pi's Rasbpian distro) an official build supported by TDF
or is it a fork of LibO?

It's hard to tell. It depends of your understanding of "official" and "fork".

They are not "official" in the meaning that TDF does not provide arm build of 
LO. That also means that .debs downloaded from TDF site will not work on your 
Raspberry Pi.

But they are not "fork" either, as they don't have separate branding, their 
own website, team of developers or any new features.

In fact, these are binary packages build on Debian infrastructure from TDF 
sources, with some downstream (Debian-specific) patches. Such patches usually 
provides better integration of program with distro-specific tools or fixes 
compilation errors on architectures not supported by upstream, but supported 
by distro (and Debian supports nine architectures, while TDF only two). 
Sometimes they also provide features or fixes from newer version of software; 
but as far as I am aware, Debian LO maintainers tend to not backport anything.

Another question is: what does it change, if packages are "official"? It's not 
that TDF provides any commercial user support anyway.
Best regards
Mirosław Zalewski

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