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On 03/05/2013 12:31 PM, Nacho Rodríguez wrote:

I use the PPM application from HP. This application can export data in XLS

The exported XLS files opens right in MS-Office, but when try to open it
with Calc it show the text import window and I get a sheet with XML and HTML

Renaming the file with HTML extension and viewing in browser showed the
content correctly

Anyone knows how can I open these files in LibreOffice?

I’m using LibreOffice version 4.
Attach an example file.

Thanks in advance


Nacho Rodríguez

Can you upload the file to Nabble or post a link to it?

Since you are seeing xml/html tags I suspect the is not xls but xlsx. I would make a copy of the file and change the copy's file extension to xlsx and then try opening it. The xls format in an MS binary format while the xlsx is format similar to ods. Both xlsx and ods are containers with xml files within the container.
Jay Lozier

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