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On 03/02/2013 08:10 AM, Heinrich Stoellinger wrote:
Seeing as the Native MySQL-connector seems to be a "difficult" birth -
I tried both ODBC and JDBC lately. Unfortunately both seem to be unusable!
JDBC: I cannot get it to accept German special characters (even though I
specify codepage ISO-8859-15/EURO).
Also, when inserting you rows into the database, both with JDBC and ODBC,
string default values are shown with apostrophies at the beginning and end.
If one then re-selects the row, the fields are shown correctly
(i.e. without the apostrophies). This might be kind of o.k. for me as I
have around 30 years of IT-experience behind me, but certainly NOT o.k. for
the average uninitiated user...
ODBC: default values as specified within a table creation show kind of "random" values in columns of inserted tuples. When refreshing the display or re-selecting
the tuplethe values are displayed correctly.
I yearn for the native connector but unfortunately really DON't have the time
to build it myself...
What OS are you using? I have built a mysql-connector-ooo.oxt (1.0.2) on Ubuntu 12.04. With it I have connected to a MySQL server 5.5 both locally and remotely. I did this using LO, LO, and (the build created with the connector. Today I plan to install Mandriva to see whether it will work with it. It is alpha until sufficient testing is done.

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