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On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 3:47 PM, Tom Davies <> wrote:

Hi :)
I think that link didn't work.  Well, it didn't for me anyway.  It just
gave me a search-engine list of articles about Java.
Regards from
Tom :)

From: anne-ology <>
To: Tom <>
Cc: Stuart <>;
Sent: Sunday, 30 December 2012, 21:00
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] RE: [libreoffice-accessibility] where's
the accessibility?
       Here's a listing of alternative java programs -
          along with discussion from various users.

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 11:24 AM, V Stuart Foote

 Probably, I'm pretty certain this issue has actually been with us since
 the Java JRE 1.6 -> JRE 1.7 crossover. It impacts usability with AT
 large segments of the GUI are no longer functional with screen and
 readers under JRE 1.7's Java Accessibility API even though the JAB is
 appears to be delivering identical roles and obejcts.

 For now, rolling back to a JRE 1.6 and its more functional JAAPI may be
 the best suggestion for LibreOffice and Apache OpenOffice users in
need of
 AT.  The Java dependency may eventually be dropped, depending on where
 things go with BASE and HSQLDB and implementing a non-Java
 bridge based AT for Windows, IAccessible2 implementation or
 possibly an AT-SPI2 port.

 Question beside the workaround of using a JRE 1.6, is if there is much
 developer and TDF Board desire to repair AT and possibly BASE for use
 JRE 1.7 and a more current HSQLDB build.


 From: Tom Davies []
 Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 10:45 AM
 To: Users@Global.LibreOffice.Org
 Cc: V Stuart Foote
 Subject: Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] where's the accessibility?

 Hi :)
 Should the devs be made aware of problems with the newer release of

 Each new release of Java creates more problems and each is soon found
 have more security issues so another new one needs to be released
  It's a 3rd party product that is difficult to track.

 Regards from
 Tom :)

 From: V Stuart Foote <>
 Sent: Saturday, 29 December 2012, 16:13
 Subject: Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] where's the accessibility?


 There appears to be a change in the JRE 1.7 and JAB 2.0.3 that is
 the fidelity of the Java Accessibility API rendering of both
 OpenOffice.  This is affecting both NVDA and Jaws screen readers.

 I've been unable to find any Oracle documentation on API changes from
 2.02 to 2.03  JAB or JAAPI, but something is definitely changed.
 the JAB delivered document structure with JavaMonkey shows the 2.02
 rendering to be identical with the 2.0.3 rendering--but with JRE 1.7
 JAAPI appears to process the result differently and does not fully
 the results in either screen reader.

 Are you able to roll back to JRE 1.6 and a JAB 2.0.2 installation  and
 retest the issues you've had with LibreOffice 3.6.4? And otherwise
asses AT
 usability with the earlier Java runtimes?

 Downloads needed to roll back are here:

 JRE 1.6u38
 JWin.exe installer for JAB 2.0.2 <>


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