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On 12/20/2012 01:52 PM, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
What do you mean exactly by "inserted into the Subform" ? Your e-mail subform just contains e-mails, or does it hold something else ? I imagine that there is a foreign key reference to the member in the e-mail table ? I'm a bit confused about what you're trying to achieve here.
So - Questions and Advice please on the following...

  * Is this the right way to approach this requirement?
  * Will the Query update automatically each time it is called so as to
    pick-up new eMails?
  * How do I make the ListBox 'read' the results of the Query?
  * How do I make these results automatically insert into their
    respective fields on the SubForm?
  * How do I make the SubForm do the sort as a final step? (Maybe a
    'Sort' Button??)
As far as I can see, the only way to achieve what you want to do is via
macros, as it looks like you want to retrieve a dataset from a filter or
query, and then inject part of the information from that dataset into
another table ?

Thanks for the feed-back Alex - appreciated!!

OK - I have two Tables (Members and eMails). The "Main Form" brings up the Members Table with a button to pop-up a sub-Form with eMails that the Member has sent or I have sent to him/her. (This part I have working but at the moment it brings up ALL eMails!!)
The second Form is for me to enter the eMails into the eMail Table. For 
this I need to be able to select the Member to get the Key ID so that 
only the eMails to and from the Member are found later for the pop-up 
Sub Form on the Main Form. Once I have selected the correct member it 
would be good to extract other needed fields from the Members Table to 
go into the eMails Form as well. (On reflection -  -  I think this last 
step could be done away with provided I can at least get the Member's ID 
Key out of the Members Table and insert it into the eMail Form as the 
Foreign Key).
Thanks for your help and I hope this makes it clearer what I'm trying to do.

Pretoria RSA

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