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       Ok, I've placed rsync on my todo list ... will 'search' and learn
more re. this aspect of these 'glorified typewriters'.

       Thank you to both you helpful souls!

On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 3:14 AM, Tom Davies <> wrote:

Hi :)
grsync has a nice pretty gui front-end but uses
to do the work, of course.  Rsync works from the command-line and has more
options but GRsync is easier for point&click users like me.

One advantage is that it keeps permissions intact whereas copy&paste or
drag&drop tend to twist things so that the current user can read/write.
Not something you want with system files.

I was just making the point that LO's User Profile is happy to let the
user mess around with it quite a lot.  Evolution's gets really grumbly
about it and you soemtimes have to export your stuff from inside the
program, then upgrade, then open the new versions and import.  VERY
different from the friendliness of LO's user profile.

Btw thanks for the warning about hard-drive noises.  My new machine at
work has started making occasional noises but it's so intermittent i was
ignoring them.  Good idea to back-up now right!?!  I used to know someone
that would always leave it until it made horrible grinding noises but then
he kept losing data.  I'm really glad i am not living in a hot, sandy,
windy desert anymore!

Regards from
Tom :)

*From:* anne-ology <>
*To:* Felmon <>
*Sent:* Wednesday, 5 December 2012, 2:29

*Subject:* Re: [libreoffice-users] query re. LO crashing ...

      cute, cuter, cutest ...
      you're surely t' best.

      [further comments below]

On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 1:46 PM, Felmon Davis <> wrote:

On Tue, 4 Dec 2012, anne-ology wrote:
       you took all my puns away ...
just doing humanity a service.


           I haven't any more; but ne'er fear,
         the punster will re-appear  ;-)

we are armed.

      ["... to take Arms against a Sea of troubles, And by opposing end
them" yet I've punned with the best of 'em, ne'er taken yet  ;-) ]

       And, by the way, I really haven't learned what rsync is - I guess
could 'search' and learn  ;-)

it's a utility for transferring files, especially backing them up. so I
a frequent backup of certain directories I have on a server to my home
computer. rsync is fast and will only make copies of stuff that's not
already at the destination (if you set it to work that way).

I think the 'r' stands for 'remote' but I don't know; the source doesn't
need to be 'remote' though. I just backed up one older external drive I
have (was making funny noises) to another newer one.

      [funny noises, eh ... maybe it was speaking to you in its own
language  ;-) ]


      Oh, yes, Thanks for this information!

On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 1:23 PM, Felmon Davis <> wrote:

On Tue, 4 Dec 2012, anne-ology wrote:

       rsync  ???

     I think i are sinking fast ...

sink  vb sinks, sinking, sank ; sunk, sunken

you are probably just joshing around but 'sync' has nothing to do with
'sink'; one is germanic, the other is greek.

'syn'+'chronos' as in 'synchronize'.

sometimes the spelling of words, like the syntax of directory paths,

(and 'syntax' has nothing to do with 'sin' or 'taxes'!)

'rsync' is a great utility; I assume it's available for Windows but I
don't know but there's certainly equivalent stuff.

Felmon Davis

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