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--- On Sun, 10/14/12, Tom Davies<>  wrote:
To "get back to factory defaults" and 'switch off' all Extensions just rename your User Profile.  
Larry gave a link to help with that.  Here is another link that will one day be merged with the one Larry gave
On 2012-10-14 3:03 PM Robert Burns wrote:
hum ok amazing how you say everything is mis set in windows never had a problem with vista so that 
begs the question why do libre and win 7 hate each other it should work like a snap dang it but 
doesn t .
Did you reset your user profile as was suggested? That is a common fix for spell checking not 


Larry I. Gusaas
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
"An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind theirs." - Edgard Varese

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