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On 08/29/2012 05:05 PM, Peter Hillier-Brook wrote:
On 29/08/12 18:50, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :) Errr, on the 64bit Ubuntu is the java also 64bit?  If it is
then can you try installing a 32 bit version of 1.6_32?  LO can be
told which version of java to use so it might work Tools - Options -
Java Regards from Tom :)
That sounds like Windows solution! :-)

Peter HB

For Ubuntu, I run "openjdk-6-jre" instead of the "default-jre" from 
Oracle.  There are RPM downloads, but no DEB versions on Oracle's web 
site.  Maybe Debian/Ubuntu do not want you to have to choose yourself, 
or Oracle does not know how to make a proper DEB install file.  Either 
way, I am sticking with 1.6_x for Windows and "openjdk-6" for Ubuntu so 
I so not have to deal with Java 1.7_x.
Also, Oracle has "special instructions" on their web site about 64-bit 

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