This list is still a list, what else could it be? You're using it right now as you're complaining about it. So clearly, it's not private communication at all. You simply have to make a conscious decision as to whom you wish to reply to. Yes, you must _think_ about it for a second or two until you get used to the new way. (And you know what? You did it! Otherwise I wouldn't be seeing your message right now. Was it really that hard?)
webmaster-Kracked_P_P stated exactly that. To wit: /I am so use to pressing "Reply" and the next button being "Reply All", that I now have to remember to skip the "Reply" button and remember that the "Reply All" button has been replaced with "Reply List"./
Seriously? We're complaining about remembering to move the mouse a hair to the right? And it's become a major issue among the users here? I think there's more discussion about this then there is voter turnout (apologies to the non-voting countries).
What you're really saying is you don't want to change your habits. That, I can understand; old habits die hard. However, with a little effort and a little practice the new way will soon grow on you and you'll eventually forget what it was you were so upset about.
Now I don't know what email client you're using and perhaps it's a hassle for you in some other way. Is that the case? I'm using Thunderbird and so I simply hit "Reply List" instead of "Reply". Not a big deal. It takes an extra nanosecond to make the conscious decision to hit one button instead of another. Do you have to do more work than that?
Back in my day, we had to hike 10 miles uphill in the snow to press a different button and we were happy to do it ;-)
On 8/13/2012 12:19 PM, anne-ology wrote:
exactly. Let's take a poll - (1) to return this list to being an actual list or (2) to change this from a list to private communications between only select ones, depriving the group of learning the ins & outs of LO. On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 12:23 PM, webmaster-Kracked_P_P <> wrote:I just posted a reply to a thread to the last poster instead of the thread by mistake. I am so use to pressing "Reply" and the next button being "Reply All", that I now have to remember to skip the "Reply" button and remember that the "Reply All" button has been replaced with "Reply List". This may cause some problems, if too many of our list users get the reply posting that were meant to go to the lists instead. Christian L. just sent me a notice that my posting went to him instead the "How can I know which one is a spam?" thread in the Website list. I nearly sent this posting to "anne-ology" instead of the User list. This is going to be a problem, maybe. On 08/13/2012 01:06 PM, anne-ology wrote:exactly, therefore to change the default, you're changing this list to where folks will now be corresponding privately rather than allowing the list to hear what's new and learn from others. On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 11:47 AM, Felmon Davis <> wrote: On Mon, 13 Aug 2012, webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:I did not know that you could "make" the email client state "Reply List"instead of the text on the "Reply All" button. I run Thunderbird 14.0. I have to get use to using the "Reply List" instead of "Reply" to post a message to the thread. It could be confusing to people, but does make it easier to send a message to the poster, off list. I use to copy the email address of the poster and then paste it to my "To:" section. This will be easier to do that, but hopefully not too many people will forget to use the "new" "Reply List" button instead of the "Reply" button. myself, I am not so clear why people are interested in sending privateemail to people on a public list. I did it yesterday but only because I had trouble posting to the list and was overeager to get my word ('hucksterism') in. the default mode on a list of replying to the list made sense to me. not a big deal for me since I mostly lurk. F. -- Felmon Davis
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