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At 08:09 01/08/2012 -0500, Anne Noname wrote:
if that was the reason for 'save' then it would save in the same folder, rather than some temp [?] folder with some strange name where it's not findable ;-)
No application does that.  "Save" in any application will save the 
revised document over the existing file - in the same folder.  If the 
document has not been saved, "Save" will give you the "Save As" 
functionality instead, landing you initially in whatever default 
folder you have configured (or some default if you haven't).
What you may be doing is opening attachments from received e-mail 
messages.  Such a document will not so far have been saved by you on 
your system, so it may indeed be held in some difficult-to-find 
temporary folder and "Save" will save your carefully edited version 
in a folder which will be confusing and hard to find.  But the 
solution is simple, of course: you should save the document where you 
want it to reside before you start editing.  Then "Save" will do 
exactly what you need and expect.
I think this same un-findable folder is used for saving when the program auto-saves; ...
No: that will be a different place!  The first folder is governed by 
your e-mail application, but this one by LibreOffice.
I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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