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On 08/01/2012 02:14 PM, Doug wrote:
On 08/01/2012 11:39 AM, Andrew Brager wrote:
As a "forced" Windoze user with nearly daily machine crashes (Blue Screen of Frustration anyone?) with a high loss record, I have my autosave set for every 5 minutes. I can live with the 3 second pauses. Well worth the potential loss of an hours worth of work that would be impossible to recreate.
Unless the machine only crashes on LO, I think there's something very much unkosher in your system, and you should find it and get it fixed. I used XP Pro and Win7 Pro quite a bit, and NEVER saw a BSOD! BSODs stopped with Windows98, as far as I know. (Never used W2000 or Vista.)

I have seen a couple BSOD on Win XP and 7 but with much less frequency than with Win 98. I never determined the actual cause because they appeared more or less randomly.
Jay Lozier

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