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Am 31.07.2012 09:33, Grant wrote:
I'm using Libreoffice Writer on Gentoo Linux and I'm getting an error
telling me I have insufficient user rights when I try to save a
document to any filename other than the default "Untitled 1" which
saves fine.  Does anyone know what could be causing this?

- Grant

Is it really that difficult to tell us everything about your file 
system, the path of the file, the file itself?
Your Linux file system is documented perfectly well in various man 
pages, tutorials, books throughout the internet.
cd /tmp
mkdir test
touch test/file
chmod -w test
cd test
mv file file2
mv: Verschieben von »file“ nach »file2“ nicht möglich: Keine Berechtigung
[mv: Moving "file" to "file2" impossible: insufficient  user rights]
ls -ld .
dr-xr-xr-x 2 andreas andreas 4096 Aug  1 15:09 .
ls -l file
-rw-rw-r-- 1 andreas andreas 0 Aug  1 15:09 file

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