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I am quite excited about this release and can't wait to run it on Ubuntu
LTS 12.04! I must say its sad to see no major updates to the
biblographing section. I am hanging in there for the stable release.

On Sat, 14 Jul 2012, at 08:15 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi AG :)
It is a good idea to run the 3.6.0 beta in parallel with your existing

There is no need to wipe one in order to run the other.  However stable
something is on other people's machines (or unstable for that matter) is
irrelevant.  What matters is how stable it is on YOUR machine and that is
something no-one knows until YOU try it.  

One advantage with test-driving the early pre-releases of a branch is
that IF you have problems then it's easy to catch the devs interest in
fixing it while they are keen and excited about the new branch.  Waiting
until everyone else is using it means the devs attention is more divided
between everyone else's issues.  

Typically a new branch means a big step up to a new plateaux of increased
compatibility with MS formats, faster start-up and operation, very much
increased functionality and a slightly sexier look&feel.  

I would definitely recommend taking the 3.6.0 beta out for a test-drive
as much as possible asap but keep your older version lurking in the
back-ground somewhere jic.  Why wait for other people?  

Good luck and regards from
Tom :)  

--- On Fri, 13/7/12, drew jensen <> wrote:

On Fri, 2012-07-13 at 15:16 +0100, AG wrote:

<snip />

Hi Drew

I noticed from the video that you are using 3.6 beta. How long have you 
been using it for and is sufficiently stable to rely on for academic 
work? Any noticeable advantages over 3.5.*?

Actually over all it seems rather stable - I've run into rough spots
with one extension is all.

As for the video being 'so yesterday' - seems 3.5 RC1 is out and ready -
from the announcement a few minutes ago:

"Please be aware that LibreOffice 3.6.0 RC1 is not ready for
production use, you should continue to use LibreOffice 3.5.5 for that.

The release is available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X from our QA
builds download page at

The (still growing) list of features for the upcoming 3.6.0 is on our
wiki - please help filling gaps there, e.g. by providing more
screenshots: "

so - I haven't tired that RC with my problematic extension, it is still
only a 'candidate'.


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