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On 13/07/12 15:04, drew jensen wrote:
On Fri, 2012-07-13 at 09:27 -0400, webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:
On 07/13/2012 06:48 AM, Mirosław Zalewski wrote:
On 13/07/2012 at 12:28, Anthony Easthope<>  wrote:

I thought most debian releases had unity or at least GNOME 3 as their
GUI and they all feature a Dock.
There is no Unity for virtually anything apart from Ubuntu (+derivatives, such
as Kubuntu, Mint etc.). Fedora and Arch had packages for 2D version (that is
fallback version without desktop effects), but at least Fedora strongly
considered removing them. Unity was never in Debian repository. There was some
team that wanted to package Unity and put it Debian's repo, but there hasn't
been any progress for quite long time. It's unlikely to see Unity in Debian
anytime soon, if ever.

But most of distributions out there has packages of GNOME 3, yes.
I use MATE with my Ubuntu 12.04 desktop, instead of GNOME 3 or Unity.
Works better for me.

I do not like a tablet-looking environment for my desktop work. Win8
went this route and it was just bad.

As for the quickstart, well I prefer to have start icons on my top
panel.  Some extensions need the quickstart to be "turned off" to
update, of at least they use to when I used a quickstart.

I find that with a desktop running a mid-range 2 year old CPU, LO starts
up very fast compared to what it did last year, so a quick starting
option is no longer needed.
Hi Tim,

I couldn't agree more with that last comment.

Here is a quick screen capture I did for an example:

In the video it starts just as I click on the LibO icon on the desktop.
As I say in the post there this is a warm start - then I open the about
box just to show the version.

Best wishes,


Hi Drew

I noticed from the video that you are using 3.6 beta. How long have you been using it for and is sufficiently stable to rely on for academic work? Any noticeable advantages over 3.5.*?

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