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Hello all,

We are trying to generate a document in Open Document Format and we're having a problem with the latest Mac version of LibreOffice ( it says the document is corrupt when other OOo-based software open it correctly (namely IBM / Lotus Symphony 3.0.0 FP2 and OOo itself version 3.1.1, all on the Mac). The 'repair' option is available and actually opens the document correctly, but we would prefer to have a usable document right away and not force people to repair it after each generation…
Here is how we generate the document: we actually use an existing ODF  
document as some kind of template, unzip it, extract all its contents  
and replace the content.xml file by one we generate ourselves. One of  
the generated documents causing the problem is attached.
So if anyone could have a look and tell us what we are doing wrong. Or  
even better, if there's a way to make LibreOffice tell us what's  
actually wrong in the document, that would be great.
Thanks a lot.
- Eric Brunel <> -
PragmaDev : Real Time Software Development Tools -

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