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Alexander Thurgood wrote:
Le 24/05/12 00:01, Girvin R. Herr a écrit :

Hi Girvin,

   MySQL 5.0.67
   Sun Java  1.6.0u11

Oooh, very old and potentially highly exploitable version of Java there.

Is my current Report Builder problem caused by this Java problem again?


Unlike OOo 3.3, will LO 3.5.3 work with the later Java versions and
should I try updating my Java again?

I have whatever version of Java Apple have grudgingly agreed to give me
(u31, apparently), and apart from the usual flakiness of the whole ORB
reporter extension, it works, but I won't even bother for large datasets
because on the Mac it regularly crashes. However, it does seem to be
more stable on other OSes. I would try upgrading the Java version to
something more recent first though.

It has been said, and I certainly found on Linux that u22 was still
pretty fast, although it too, had some nasty security issues. Much has
been written on this list in the past about how to keep several versions
of the JDK on your system at the same time, and then use only the one
you need with the best performance for LO.


Thanks for your reply.
I will take your recommendation to update my Java to heart and do so.
My datasets (tables) are typically over 1000 records. The dataset I am working on now, a parts inventory, is over 1500 records and I am only, maybe, 10% done with it. So I still have a long way to go. This is the first time I have seen Report Builder brought to its knees. It has always been a bit slow, but this is ridiculous. I have had other datasets with even more records, that RB has processed with reasonable speed in the past. That is what makes this problem so strange. It is like I reached some sort of threshold or something. I wouldn't think keeping more than one Java version on my machine at once would be a problem. I know Sun/Oracle recommends removing any old versions, but it should work without doing that. Especially *Office, which allows a specific version to be selected. I also have a copy of the Free Software Foundation Java, and it seems to co-reside with the "Sun" Java. However, I don't know what app on my machine is using it.

Thanks again for your help.

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