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Hi :)
Ahhh, i take it back then.  I didn't realise Gnumeric is better at doing MS Formats.  The only 
thing i noticed was that it couldn't be set to default to saving as MS Formats or anything else.  I 
had to use "Save As", not a big problem for me but colleagues found that a hopelessly geeky thing 
to do.  
Regards from
Tom :) 

--- On Fri, 11/5/12, Andreas Säger <> wrote:

From: Andreas Säger <>
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: Freezing a cell in Calc permanently
Date: Friday, 11 May, 2012, 14:12

Am 10.05.2012 23:38, The Wolfkin wrote:
I'm confused because as far as I can tell in this thread you're the first
person to even mention xlsx or xls. I don't think I mentioned that file
format in the other thread.

By the way: The Gnumeric spreadsheet saves xlsx with frozen panes flawlessly.
The developers of that excellent spreadsheet program concentrate on a much smaller set of features 
and attributes. The whole application mimics a subset of Excel.
Of course Gnumeric does not support as many non-spreadsheet features as Calc does. Misusing 
Gnumeric as database surrogate is even more absurd than in Calc and Excel.

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