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On 04/05/2012 07:33 AM, Dan Lewis wrote:
On Thu, 2012-04-05 at 09:13 +0100, Tony Sumner wrote:
On Apr 05, 2012, Mark wrote:

One method is to find a decent back end such as MySQL and move
       your table across, while temporarily maintaining your front end in
       Access. MySQL has a migration assistant which may help here.
I have developed a scheme for migrating an Access database to MySQL.
   1. mdb-export generates a CSV file
   2. run a program to convert this into a shell script consisting of
         a set of 'insert into' statements
   3. run this in MySQL
There are some small details on the way. I can post the script and program
if you think it would be helpful

      MySQL uses the command LOAD DATA to insert data from a text file.
It must be tab deliminated and have \n for each null value. Can this be
done with what you are describing?
If you check the MySQL documentation you can specify the field separator using FIELD TERMINATED BY ';' for example for a ; separator.

If the file is on your computer the command is LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'filename'.

See for more details about LOAD DATA. and the various options.



Jay Lozier

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