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On Sat, 3 Mar 2012, e-letter wrote:

On 02/03/2012, Roger Sawkins <> wrote:
Well, having had your little spat I see we have got back to suggestions as
what I might do about my problem.

What you choose to call a "spat" reveals your ignorance of the
historical context of gnu/linux and consequent inability to comprehend
the connection with your "problem".

Bear in mind I am new to this game. There is a suggestion of reporting a
"bug". I realise there is a link for that, but what is the best way? Should

There is no shame in being "new": everyone starts ignorant; it is now
up to you to acquire the necessary knowledge to understand the fallacy
of your "problem".

I include a sample of a Ppt conversion (and vice versa) with examples of the
problems, or just list them.

The former, not via a mailing list!

Your original post does not explain nor justify why LO should be used
to create m$ formats.

As indicated by previous reply, if "consistent conversion" is so
important to you and similar m$ fans, have you contacted m$ and asked
an equivalent question: "I want to be able to edit and save odf
presentations ((f)odp) in m$o and LO, but formatting is lost. Please
improve m$o. By the way, how do I submit a bug report to m$???"?

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Please read the part of the "Posting guidelines" as is appended to every post:

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It states:

Avoid Advocacy

TDF and LibreOffice mailing lists are for constructive discussions about TDF as a project, and LibreOffice as a personal productivity software. TDF as a community was born out of a positive attitude with regards to the future of free software and free office suites, and therefore we expect the subject and the tone of discussions to be in line with this positive attitude.

TDF does not like negative attitudes in general, even when targeted to companies advocating proprietary software (e.g. about Microsoft being the root of all evil).

So while I hate to have to bring up rules, in this case I want to make clear to Roger and other subscribers e-letter is not representing the LibreOffice project.

-- dag wieers,,
-- dagit linux solutions,,

[Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]

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