Am 07.02.2012 21:58, Paul D. Mirowsky wrote:
I hope to to condense and reply to all.
A person has spent arduous hours of entering/linking/formula-ing etc...
on spreadsheets.
It is not the optimum of data entry, as would be a database form. But it
does do every thing they want it to.
The majority of today's computer/tablet/phone users will never be able
to manage data properly in this way.
Now, if a translation Calc (spreadsheet) to Base (database SQL)
generated the the database, they would only have to make the data entry
There is no "translation" from spreadsheet to SQL. It is an import
process of the raw data into your own data structures which are analog
to a user defined file format. I have done this dozends of times. It has
nothing to do with plain copy&paste or save as<other file type>. A
database knows a dozend of data types. Calc knows only two types of data.
Input forms are the second step.
Yes, this is an overly simplistic view, but it is what is being asked
for by most.
Yes, they only describe of what they want to have. They do not waste any
thought on what they already have and what it takes to make something
useful with what they have.
All these questions are about software features that exist in that
software but not in this one.
They can not work with software tools. Instead they expect that the
tools do their work automagically.
They never show their actual data material (lengthy complaints about
Calc's csv import options without pasting a single line of the text data
to import).