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On Sun, 2012-02-05 at 20:39 +0100, Mirosław Zalewski wrote:
On 05/02/2012 at 19:31, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions 
<> wrote:

Does the "User Data" dialog box come up on a new/clean install for LO
.deb install anymore?
I simulated clean install (get test user and removed his ~/.libreoffice and 
~/ folders) on my Debian testing box. On first run of LibreOffice 
there was no box asking for user information (like name, address, organization 
or anything). I am using LO from Debian repository, so it is possible that 
Debian Developers removed that box on startup, although I find it unlikely.

I don't have access to any Windows machine right now, so I don't know how 
would Windows version behave.

If Ubuntu 11.xx did not have Unity on
it, but something like GNOME 2.x, I would update my system.  I just do
not like to deal with my system with a desktop environment that makes it
look like a tablet.
There is project called MATE, which is actually renamed GNOME 2. I believe it 
is available in Linux Mint repositories. Mint has also Cinnamon, which is fork 
of GNOME 3 changed to provide more traditional (GNOME 2-like) look-and-feel.

Linux Mint itself is based on Ubuntu (but there is also version based on 
Debian testing).

You may want to give them a try, maybe you will like it. Personally I had much 
better experience with Mint than with Ubuntu.
Mint's website: <>
Best regards
Mirosław Zalewski
     Ubuntu 11.10 comes with Classic GNOME. It is what I use instead of
Unity. From the Unity desktop, I logged out. One the left side of the
screen where the user password is entered, there is a cog in the upper
right corner of the box for the password. Clicking it gives these
choices: GNOME, GNOME (without effects), GNOME CLASSIC, Unity, and Unity
2D. Later shutting down and rebooting returns to GNOME CLASSIC.


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