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On 05/02/2012 at 17:56, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions 
<> wrote:

As for Writer specific, well I have not tried it with Calc.  I did
rename the ".libreoffice" folder to ".libreoffice--old" and opened
Writer up.  Well the first thing I noticed was it did not give me the
"default" first-time use menus to give my name, and such.  That was
different for the last time I renamed the hidden folder.  Actually this
time it did bring up the dialog box.

So it must have been an issue with the ".libreoffice" hidden folder.

The question is why did it not bring up the menus that asked for my
information like a clean install would do.  As I said, the last time I
renamed the folder, I got that set of menus.  It do have to reinstall
all my templates and extensions though.
I understand that renaming ~/.libreoffice folder solved your issue. Is that 
correct? I think that you have two ways from now on.

Dan suggest that 3.4.5 does not have that problem, so you may consider 

If you want to stay with 3.4.4 for a while, then let's talk about getting your 
extensions and templates back ;) .

They are still in your ~/.libreoffice--old folder. You may try to copy them to 
your new ~/.libreoffice. Unfortunately, I can not help you to decide which files 
you exactly has to copy. Definitely ~/.libreoffice/3/user/extensions and 
~/.libreoffice/3/user/template folders, maybe something else too. Just check 
names of files, they should give a clue what they are for. By copying files one 
by one and running LO after each copy (to see if everything is in place) you 
should be able to get you templates and extensions without need to search them 
over the net and installing manually.

Or you can rename you .libreoffice--old back to .libreoffice and remove suspicious 
files one by one, until you track which caused your problems. But make sure you 
have backup copy of your original ~/.libreoffice in case you delete one file too 

As for information dialog, I see two possible explanations.
1. Wikipedia article about LibreOffice states "The first run wizard from that guides a user through the setting of user name and the 
registration process has been removed from LibreOffice”. I can confirm this - 
running LO on clean user does not bring any dialog about user information.

2. Do you happen to still have old ~/ folder? As far as I 
remember, LO run for first time migrates config from ~/.oo.o to ~/.lo folder. 
Perhaps it migrates user information as well, which would explain why LO does 
not ask for them.


Debian has 3.4.5 on its repository now?
Yes, there is 3.4.5 in both testing and unstable. There is also 3.5.0-rc3 in 

I am not sure what will happen if you try to install Debian packages on your 
Ubuntu system, though. It may break some things.
Best regards
Mirosław Zalewski

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