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On 12/14/2011 05:45 AM, MiguelAngel wrote:
El 14/12/11 5:18, Dave Barton escribió:
-------- Original Message  --------
From: .<>
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 22:26:01 -0500

I upgraded from Oo 3.2 (I think that was the version) to the following
version of LibreOffice;

LibreOffice 3.4.3
OOO340m1 (Build:302)

A spreadsheet I work on had the cell borders set at 1 pt. in Oo. Now
with LibreOffice all of the cell borders on the sheet are .25 pt.  A
change was made to the cell border sizes and I didn't do it.

How do I quickly change ALL of the cell borders in the many sheets I'm
working on?  I have literally 1,000's of cells to fix IF I have to
change each cell one at a time.

Man, do I need some help!


I don't know if it's possible to fix multiple sheets at one time, but
for individual sheets follow this procedure:

o Keyboard Ctrl + A to select/highlight all cells on the sheet.
o Right click anywhere in the highlighted area and select "Format Cells"
o In the dialog select the "Borders" tab and make the adjustment.

Recommend you check out the Calc User Guide:


With F11, select Default format, and change there the border.
If there is another style non vinculated with default, change it also.

Miguel Ángel

Miguel, I tried it with one of the sheets but it had no effect.  I tried
it with a new sheet but no effect either.

Here's what I did;

- opened the ods file I want to work on which has about 90 sheets within it.
- hit F11
- right clicked on Default in Styles and Formatting
- change the Cell Borders to 1 pt. and selected Default under Line

At that point in the process the there's a lot of activity (so to speak)
in the bottom of the Calc window...some progress bar flashing (so
whatever it's called)  giving the impression that what I wanted to
change is occurring.  However, a check of the cell formatting indicates
that the cell border size wasn't changed.

Any other ideas?

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