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On 12/05/2011 05:40 AM, Scott Castaline wrote:
On 12/04/2011 11:51 PM, NoOp wrote:
Ah. It's a distro issue. I just brought up Linux Mint 12 LO 3.4.4 and
the option is missing there as well. Fired up Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty) and
the option is there with LO 3.3.4 (distro version). I reckon that the
distro packagers are trying to dumb down everything... including LO.
File an LO bug in both Fedora and LO.

Note: installing directly from LO (3.3.4 or 3.4.x) has the option, so
it's definately a distro packaging issue.

[TAG] LibreOffice linux distribution versions missing
'Tools|Options|General|Open/Save dialogs' option.

Yep, that's what I was beginning to think. I don't know why unless they 
want LO to maintain its own environment? Not sure if that is phrased 
correctly. Or maybe something has changed in the way LO requests that 
dialogue and the way the system responds to the request. I wonder if 
completing the change over to systemd has anything to do with it. If 
someone has Fedora 15 that was the last version before everything was 
cut over to systemd.

Based on that I am planning on filing a bug report with Fedora for 
removing that option and with LO for not allowing the ability to do from 
their own dialogue. Would you mind replying with a link for doing the LO 
bug report?

No problem & here is how you get there from the main LO page:

I think that they should add this link so that those filing bugs have
additional information:

Added note: I found this particular oddity; in Linux Mint 12 (which uses
the Ubuntu repositories for all things LO 3.4.4 doesn't show the dialog
option. However on Ubuntu 11.10 LO 3.4.4 the dialog does show. Both are
LibreOffice 3.4.4 OOO340m1 (Build:402). I went through both systems &
verified that the same versions of the packages are installed. So I'm
still trying to figure out the differences. If I can do that then I may
possibly figure out why one has it and the other does not.

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