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On Tue, 2011-11-15 at 12:52 -0800, Tom wrote:

Hi Tom,

Well, your portrayal of the events is not accurate to put it succinctly 

Also there is already a forum that was set-up as a temporary measure
The owner might be very willing to upgrade it to a different system and open
it for more people to be administrators.

The original plan for it was to just set something up quickly and then TDF
would take it over and make it more professional. 


Sadly TDF steering
committee totally rejected 

Actually the SC overall remained mum on the subject and rightfully left
it to the general community to duke it out *chuckling*

the idea of forums and apparently the website
group was told to link to old OpenOffice forums bit NOT to any LibreOffice

That is not totally accurate - though the end result is - the website
group was not told, it was worked out on the mailing list.

[in all candor I would like to see us offer links to all the sites, in
some way - but that is a different discussion]

  By then the forum already had a few fans and so the poor fella
running it felt honour-bound to keep it open as long as he could cope with
it.  So, there is a usable and known address and a rudimentary system that
could be useful for this project.  

As for your last paragraph - there were conversations that took place
privately with the owner and I will not break confidence here - but I
seriously doubt Sam feels he got shafted here.

Best wishes,


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