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Am 15.11.2011 18:28, schrieb Pedro:
I do like askbot, although it seems a little "green". The colored icons can
be distracting. The only icon that needs any color is the green check on
answers that were satisfyingly answered. (e.g. national flags of the users
just add visual confusion)

There's another theme included that looks more modern, but it is not yet
production ready.
The "greenish" look is caused by the fact that I tried to adapt the
theme to the LibreOffice color scheme.
Due to the nature of the used framework, it should be very easy to
create an own LibO theme and remove visual clutter.

The shapado interface has too much "noise" (e.g. what is the relevance of
the Top 5 groups on the right edge?)

Unfortunately I really don't like the look of shapado.
And I also have only little experience with Ruby on Rails, so it would
be hard for me to fix bugs/customize it.

questions2answers looks clean and efficient but it is difficult to evaluate
without a test site.

I also like the look of q2a, but there are some things I don't like
about it:
- You can vote from the question list.
- There seems to be no such thing as selected/correct answer.
- The default editor is *heavy*
- There is no efficient full text search
- Difficult to integrate SSO
- And some other problems

Most of these issues surely can be solved, so this may be a worthy
alternative to askbot.

Why was the previously mentioned stackoverflow not considered? Is it worse
than these 3?

Yepp... hosted only, closed source windows asp .net application.


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