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On Tue, 2011-11-15 at 14:59 +0100, Alexander Werner wrote:
Hi everyone,

while discussing the possible platforms for an official user forum, the idea arose[1] to also 
evaluate a Q&A forum, similar to the well-known stackoverflow[2].
I've set up an instance of askbot to allow users to test such a forum and comment on this idea. 
You can access it at
Feel free to register an account (at the moment, local user accounts, Facebook, twitter and 
various openid providers are supported) and test the installation.
Comments, bug reports and improvement suggestions are very welcome, either by using the "give 
feedback"[3] link at the bottom of each page or at the website list or, of course, in askbot 
For a explanation how such Q&A platforms work, please see the faq[4] and my short explanation 
* Q&A forums don't provide room for general discussions, polls, rants etc. and are therefore more 
* Users can select correct answers and vote for answers. Selected and most voted answers are 
shown first, drastically improving clarity.
* User activities such as answering questions or voting answers leads to karma. With more karma, 
the rights of users grow until the user has full moderation rights. This allows to grow a self 
sustaining community.
* Answers can be edited collaboratively (so called "community wiki" posts)

Of course, trying it out is worth a thousand words :)


Thanks for the information Alex.

I feel that it would be inappropriate to not mention at this early stage
that three platforms of this style service have been put forward as
possible solutions.


The above site is a hosted instance of the software, the package itself
is FOSS and could be hosted within the TDF infrastructure. 


There is not a LibreOffice specific test site, or hosted running site,
for this package - so just a link back to the projects home, where you
can find links to existing site.

The three packages are quite similar, as would be expected, but do have
slight differences - also each is developed using different
language/toolset which can be a factor in determining which makes sense
for our use.


Drew Jensen

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