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Brain, Mas, Pedro, Stephan, and Tom,
(Please accept my apologies to ones who are not listed here in case I missed.)

THANK YOU all for not only taking time but sharing the thoughts and wisdom that helped me understand better what is
going on with issue I had.

It is planned to get the source code from the MuseScore svn to extract the fonts and install them at the system level
to see how LibreOffice/Draw will show it.

This has been a pleasant learning experience. And I certainly enjoyed as well as appreciated.

Best regards,


On 11/14/2011 06:17 AM, Pedro wrote:
Pae Choi wrote:
Whether the fonts are referenced or embedded,
wouldn't it be more the renderer's responsibility
to display regardless the font is installed on the system level or not.
It is reasonable to use the alternative font
if the renderer could not find the font from neither system level nor

The answer is no. It is not the renderer's responsability. If the font is
not installed there is no way that another program can show it. There is no
legal way to use fonts from a document.

If the font is embedded in the document (like PDF and all MS documents) it
works WITHIN the document. By doing a PDFimport you are converting the
document so in all senses it is no longer the same document and therefore it
looses the right to use the fonts.

The fonts have included "instructions" on what you can do with them: freely
distribute, distribute for read only formats (such as PDF) or don't
distribute at all. This is due to Copyrights from the author of the font.

In any case, most of the times fonts are embedded as a subset (e.g. if you
embed the word Attention in a given font, only characters A, t, e, n, i, o
are included) so even if you could extract it, it would only allow you to
write words with those characters :)

Hope this was clear enough (English is not my native language)

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