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Thank you for reply. Whether the fonts are referenced or embedded, wouldn't it be more the renderer's responsibility to display regardless the font is installed on the system level or not. It is reasonable to use the alternative font if the renderer could not find the font from neither system level nor document.

For the testing purpose, with two different systems that do not have MuseScore related font, opening the PDF file generated by MuseScore by Acrobat reader on Win/XP and Evince Document Viewer on Ubuntu seems fine. I am not certain how PDF standard spec defined for the rendering part, but those renderer seems to be able to display fine without
the specific fonts on the system level.

Then, while assuming that the 'pdfimport' extension is doing its job, wouldn't it more LebreOffice(LO)'s responsibility,
e.g., LO/Draw, here?

Best reagrds,


On 11/13/2011 07:35 AM, Pedro wrote:

On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 12:45 PM, Pae Choi<pae.choi@> wrote:
It seems like there is an issue using pdfimport extension with
When importing a simple PDF file it
seems ok means visible, but not 100% identical as advertised. It even got
worse when opening a PDF file generate
by MuseScore, For example, the followin step will
reproduce the case:
This is not a PDFimport issue.  When you import a PDF it will extract the
text and retain the font formatting (i.e. font name, size, effects, colour).
If the font is not installed on your PC it will be replaced by some other
font and the characters may look odd if the font is too different.

In the case of Musescore, the font is internal to the program and is
embedded in the PDF (which explains why the PDF looks good).  If you look at
the document properties you will notice that MScore120 and MScore20 were
embedded. If you could get these exact fonts your PDFimport would look
better (I wont say perfect because that is highly unlikely :) )

Bottom line: if the font is embedded in the PDF and you do not have the same
font installed on your PC, importing from PDF will produce a Draw document
with some font differences.

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