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Hi :)
I have a feeling that it's worth posting a bug-report or 2 about this issue.  I would post one 
here.  This guide might help
but i think the problem might be with the way the pdfs are generated in MuseScore so i would post a 
bug-report with them too.

Both guides suggest posting a question in the relevant forum first.  If you could give us a link to 
the question you asked in their forum that might help.  Also they might find it useful to have a 
link to this thread in the question there.  I would copy  the Nabble link to them

Likewise when you post a bug-report there and here it's good to give links so that people working 
in one project can easily have a look at what their counter-parts are doing in the other project.  

Hmm, just a thought but once you have an svg or png you could open a new Draw document and drop the 
picture into it and then export that as Pdf.  When i do that i find the picture is not the same 
size as the A4 page so i use the "handles" at the corners of the picture to stretch it to fill (or 
almost fill) the page.  My printer always gives a 5mm blank area around the edges of pages so i 
don't always make the picture fully fit the page unless i want the edges trimmed off.  

Don't worry about the ettiquette issue.  All forums and mailing lists have their own quirks and we 
often only  find what they are by trial-and-error.  You are not the first and unlikely to be the 
last person that falls into that one.  Actually i think that particular quirk is shared by quite a 
lot of forums and mailing-lists so it's a good one to learn about early on.  Still a lot of people 
forget.  It wasn't a lot of extra work for me to fix.  I think 3 clicks and a drag instead of 1 
[shrugs].  I've known worse! ;)

Sorry such a long post!
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Sun, 13/11/11, Pae Choi <> wrote:

From: Pae Choi <>
Subject: Re: Fw: Re: [libreoffice-users] [PDF Import] LibreOffice extension for importing PDF 
documents -- pdfimport
Date: Sunday, 13 November, 2011, 10:08

MAS and Tom,

Thank you for the prompt replies. Tom, My apologies for inappropriately 
creating a new thread by using "Reply" method which caused the
inconvenience as well as extra toil. And addition thanks for the effort 
and educating me.

The SVG and PNG are fine for me, but the PDF is a part of the 
requirements (which are out of my control) I am working on at present.

Best regards,


On 11/12/2011 06:40 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Errr, when posting a new question to the lists here please start a new email and use copy&paste 
to put the address into the "To" field.  Taking an existing thread and doing "Reply to" and just 
changing the subject-line doesn't create a new thread.  I have forwarded teh mail to the list to 
break it out of the old thread and createa  new one so it's ok now.  Sorry about this not working 
intuitively!  :(

I have just been looking at the
website.  It looks as though saving as png or svg might get the results you want more 
effectively.  Not all systems can cope with svg (scalar vector graphics) yet but png seems to 
work everywhere and should be reasonably easy to print.

Good luck and regards from
Tom :)

--- On Sat, 12/11/11, Tom Davies<>  wrote:

From: Tom Davies<>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] [PDF Import] LibreOffice extension for importing PDF documents 
-- pdfimport
Date: Saturday, 12 November, 2011, 23:17

Hi :)
Is this something to do with missing or unavailable fonts?  Could it be that musescore uses a 
font that is not available to the rest of the system? 

Is it possible to generate a pdf from musescore by asking it to print-to-file and then get it to 
use pdf instead of ps?  I think that is a way of getting the fonts to be embedded in the pdf 
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Sat, 12/11/11, Mas<>  wrote:

From: Mas<>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] [PDF Import] LibreOffice extension for importing PDF documents 
-- pdfimport
Date: Saturday, 12 November, 2011, 21:05

I brought up
   the question a few days again. I was told this is
extension was designed by a third party.  The current version was
designed for oO and not libreoffice


On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 12:45 PM, Pae Choi<>  wrote:
It seems like there is an issue using pdfimport extension with LibreOffice.
When importing a simple PDF file it
seems ok means visible, but not 100% identical as advertised. It even got
worse when opening a PDF file generate
by MuseScore, For example, the followin step will
reproduce the case:

1. Lauch ther MuseScore which open a sample sheet music.
2. Save it by "File ->  Save As ..." which gives you an option to select the
format at the bottom right right
    Cancel and Save buttons.
3. Select "PDF File" format and click Save button. (When saving it you may
need to change the file extension with
    ".pdf", not ".mscz")
4. Open the saved PDF file with your PDF viewer which should show identical
as shown in the MuseScore window.
5. Open the same PDF file with LibreOffice, there are lot of missing notes
and garbled font something not recognizable.

It is known that the OpenOffice is handed to Apache and is in midst of
transitional phase. And the pdfimport package
seems about same in a functional aspect in both OpenOffice and LibreOffice.

Is the pdfimport too early for the prime time? Who's maintaining the source


Platform Info:
o LibreOffice 3.3.2
   + OOO330m19 (Build:202)

     + tag libreoffice-, Ubuntu package 1:3.3.2-1ubuntu2~maverick1
o libreoffice-pdfimport 1.0.3+LibO3.3.2-1ubuntu2-marverisck1
o MuseScore 1.1
o Ubuntu 10.10

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