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I had finally just settled on blowing off my .libreoffice folder saving the contents of the template sub-folder, and redoing the changes to the registrymodifications.xcu file and all was good. Then along came an update from Fedora and now any changes made to the registry will cause the app to crash upon closing this one file. I don't know what it is about this file that is causing this to happen. I have even copied back in a version of the file before all of this started and that will cause the app to crash as well.

Any suggestions?

On 11/05/2011 01:31 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
My guess would be it's an extension. So i would start by copying the
folder across and see if that crashed LO when you re-open it.  There are 16 items in the
folder so i would move half, 8.  Test.  Then move a remaining half, 4 ... and so on until LO 
crashes and then delete the half you just added and add half that back in.  By doing half each time 
you can narrow it down quite quickly.

It is probably obvious to you but a lot of people would do this 1 file in 1 sub-folder at a time 
and perhaps draw-up a tick list on paper. [big yawn]
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Sat, 5/11/11, Scott Castaline<>  wrote:

From: Scott Castaline<>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Personal settings causing calc to crash
Date: Saturday, 5 November, 2011, 2:35
I was planning on doing that at a
later time. I'll pass on any info I
get out of this to the list. I was basically putting
feelers out to see
if anyone had this happen to them and if so what did they
find to fix
it, to possibly narrow it down some.

On 11/04/2011 12:48 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
It's unlikely to be the change of DE.  Apparently
the config folder / user-profile can be copied from Windows
to a Gnu&Linux and mostly works from Gnu&Linux to
Windows so a change of DE 'should be' relatively minor.
Have you been able to try copying chunks from your old
KDE user-profile into the newer profile to regain extensions
and things?  Ahah, maybe an extension is getting
confused.  Most of the sub-folders from your old KDE
profile should copy across fine.
Good luck and regards from
Tom :)

--- On Fri, 4/11/11, Scott Castaline<>
From: Scott Castaline<>
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Personal settings
causing calc to crash
To: "LibreOffice"<>
Date: Friday, 4 November, 2011, 14:44
I recently installed Fedora 16 Beta
on my main system using xfce for my DE. At first I
had no
problems with any LO documents, but when I
restored my
.libreoffice folder from a backup of my Fedora 15
system I
suddenly started experiencing crashes. I narrowed
it down to
one specific spreadsheet that would consistently
/usr/lib64/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin was
killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV)"). This had suddenly
after I had done the restore of .libreoffice
folder. I
renamed this folder so that the program would then
the default settings and the crashing has stopped.
I could
just leave it as is and continue from there, but I
curious as to what could have been the actual
culprit. My
backed up Fedora 15 system was using KDE for the
DE, could
the change from KDE to xfce have had a negative
impact on
just this one spreadsheet?

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