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Hi :)
There are various books and guides about Macros.  I've been told by various people that Andrew 
Pitonyak's is excellent.  Hopefully the link is on this page

I'm not sure if that will help with the specific problem as we might need to collect links to more 
external resources onto that page.  
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Sat, 29/10/11, David S. Crampton <> wrote:

From: David S. Crampton <>
Subject: [libreoffice-users] How may I read the value of a cell into a macro variable?
Date: Saturday, 29 October, 2011, 0:44
This question has two parts: simple
and more complex:

simple: I wish to read the value of the currently selected
cell (in Calc, of course) into a variable in the macro
language (Libre Basic).  Script example please. and
thank you!

more complex: AFAIK the LibreHelp does not document the
stuff like:

dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:GoToCell", "",
0, args2())

I used to be pretty skilled at recording macros and then
modifying them. Where do I go to find things related to
"uno:GoToCell"?  Universal Network Objects?  Can't
find the "starting point".

Thank you for an orientation,
--David S. Crampton

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