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On 10/25/2011 06:52 PM, e-letter wrote:
On 25/10/2011,<>  wrote:
   Is it possible to see not only the total numbers of bugs on
categories, but also the "progress" in time? It is also interesting to
see the number of fixed (and not fixed) bugs on each new LO version.
Can I find such information?

"Progress" to what? Resolution of the error? This would be represented
by the ratio of fixed to unresolved bugs.

In terms of each LO version, have been thinking about a periodic
retrieval of the csv data for this summary table and then plotting the
results. If this was repeated on a monthly basis, you would see how
bugs resolution occurred during time, which would be interesting.

It is interesting to review this data. Since the first issue, the
total number of bugs has increased. There does not seem to be a method
of obtaining historic data which is a disappointment. The ratio of
bugs assignment to new bugs is less than 10 %; is this to be expected?

The big problem I see with tracking reported bugs is that some are not bugs per se and some of the bugs are not explicitly killed when a new version is produced. For example conversion of MSOx files were dodgey with 3.3.0 and 3.3.1 but were much improved with 3.4.0 and later releases in the 3.3.X family. Obviously there was a bug that was fixed with the later versions but was this reported fixed because it was reported against an earlier version - I do not know.

The code cleanup efforts by the devs has killed many bugs in the later releases but are they reported as fixed against the earlier releases.

The statistics may be interesting but I suspect they could be very misleading because of different definitions used to determine what exactly is a bug and what constitutes a fix.

In concept the idea is straightforward but it is probably more difficult to pin down. Also, bugs should be weighted; bugs do not have the same overall severity.

The other issue is trying to compare the number of bugs in LO against MSO - you do not have any MSO data that I know about.

Jay Lozier

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