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I don't know if this is the best place to ask this question but I could not find any better : there 
is a function in Calc that has been removed between LO3.3.3 ad LO3.4.3, but I don't know if that 
was made on purpose or not.
If it as removed accidentaly, then maybe I could list it as a bug.
But if it's not, then I should let it be, eventhough I would have liked for this feature to stay.

The feature is the "Crtl+Alt+ArrowKey" command in LO Calc. It still is implemented but does not 
work any more when you are editing a formula. Not sure I am very clear, this is how it works :
- if you have, say, cells A1 to A5 that contains something and that you are on cell A2 then 
pressing Ctrl+Alt+Down will lead you directly to A5. This is useful when you want to select quickly 
a range of cells to create a plot for instance.
But it does not work when you are editing a formula:
- select a cell
- write a formula, for instance "=1+2*"
- using the arrow keys (not the mouse) try to select a cell whose reference you want to insert in 
the formula. For instance so that it becomes "=1+2*D7". Arrow keys works fine but Crtl+Alt+ArrowKey 
will lead you directly to the last line/column of the document, whereas it used to move the cursor 
until a full or empty cell is found (non-empty cell if you're currently on an empty space or an 
empty cell if you're on a cell containing something).

I couldn't find a changelog of LO3.4.3 on (results returned by seeks using the 
"" keyword are irrelevant) but I managed to get a changelog from some 
third-party website, not directly linked to LO. I'm not sure this changelog is complete but I could 
not find what I was looking for on it. It's not listed as an existing bug on libreoffice's section 
of freedesktops either.

So what should I do ?


Gaël Lorieul

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