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On Sat, 1 Oct 2011, Tom Davies wrote:

All releases of LibreOffice have used the 1.2 (Extended) by default.  I think OpenOffice was using it for quite a long time before that too.  I think the only program that still uses the older 1.1 or 1.0 formats is MS Office 2010.  I think Google-docs, KOffice, Calligra, AbiWord & Gnumeric (together those 2 form Gnome Office) and the IBM's Lotus Symphony (or whatever it's called) all have been using 1.2 for a few years. 

In LibreOffice you can confirm by clicking on
Tools - Options - "+ Load/Save" - General
about half-way down there is a drop-down showing "1.2 (Extended)".  I usually change this to the older 1.0/1.1 in order to be able to send stuff to MS Office users more easily.

If you do have an older program then install any version of LibreOffice instead! ;) Lol

Thanks for making this clear to an ODF novice like me :)

I was wondering what standard I would use for my project and settled for ODF v1.1 (given that nearly everywhere, OASIS website and Wikipedia) refered to v1.2 as a draft.

Is there an overview of the changes to the standard between v1.1 and v1.2 ?

It might be possible to have both an odt11 and odt12 backend with odt12 inheriting the bulk of odt11 and implementing just the differences.

Thanks in advance,
-- dag wieers,,
-- dagit linux solutions,,

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