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Le 20/09/11 08:10, Heinrich Stoellinger a écrit :

Hi all,

Hi Snip,
I suppose the fact that I use Debian-Wheezy (next after Squeeze) on a
32-bit system might be the reason. Seeing as I don't really have the
time to do more research I suppose I will just have to live with
ODBC (or even JDBC  :() till somebody comes up with a solution.

The solution is to rebuild the connector for all combinations of OS/arch
from source. That is how I got my Mac OSX version of the connector
running. None of the devs at LO are building the connector, it is an
option in the configure switch that must be activated specifically.
Possibly, and I say just possibly, the Linux distribs will rebuild it
with their next updates to LO, but I have no idea who deals with that on
each distrib. Same goes for Windows (32/64). If no one complains about
that to the Linux port distrib maintainers, then nothing will get done,
that's for sure.

Additionally, if no one complains about it on the developer list here,
or opens a bug report for it, then nothing will happen either. Even if
someone complains about it, you might well get an answer back of the ilk
"the source is available, build it yourself", which granted, is not
particularly useful/helpful when one is a mere "consumer" of the product.


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