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On 09/13/2011 09:53 AM, Steven Shelton wrote:

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Crap. My message didn't format correctly, which makes it virtually
indecipherable given the context. Let me take another crack at this and
try to explain it more clearly.
Here's my problem. Let's assume this is a paragraph in a contract:
I might want to insert a cross-reference to (for example), Paragraph
3(A)(i)(g), with a sentence that might read "Client will have the
opportunity to speak in advance to any person who will be assigned work
on his case, as described in Paragraph 3.A.i.g, to the extent that this
is reasonable."
However,  there's always a trailing period when you enter the
crossreference, so the sentence would end up reading "Client will have
the opportunity to speak in advance to any person who will be assigned
work on his case, as described in Paragraph 3.A.i.g., to the extent that
this is reasonable."
Note the period at the end of the reference in the second example, which
is improper.
Is there any way to get rid of that trailing period?

Steven, can you not just format Numbers & Bullets to: 1) remove the
period, or 2) use (A)(i)(g) instead?

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