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Il 09/09/2011 18:27, NoOp ha scritto:
On 09/09/2011 02:38 AM, Marcello Romani wrote:
Il 09/09/2011 10:28, krisb ha scritto:
Hi all,

This is my first message here so please be tolerant :)
Maybe it is a not right place to ask, but let me start. I'm wondering if is
possible to open encrypted xlsx/docx files in Libo? IMHO MSO rights and
concept of protecting files exclude possibility of opening it in competitors
software, since it would be a breaking of encryption algorithm and it would
be against MSO rights. Am I right? The encryption methods are part which I
am not well acquainted yet :)

Let's forget for a moment MS's anti-competitor practices. Encryption
doesn't rely on the algorithm being secret, but on the /encryption key/
being secret and strong enough to be practically impossible (or
extremely costly) to guess with brute force.

The fact that MS tries to keep algorithms or implementation details
hidden to hinder competition is a more general problem which has nothing
to do with encryption.
Really? I see nothing hidden here:

Thank you for the pointer.

I was just trying to emphasize the fact that encryption algorithm secrecy has nothing to do with its strength, encryption-wise.
Indeed I should've written something like:
"The fact that someone *might* try to..."

Marcello Romani

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