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On 2011-09-08, Dave Sergeant wrote:

On 8 Sep 2011 at 17:42, Nuno J. Silva wrote:

Wait, how is pegasus doing threading? Threading should not need the
subject for anything, and just rely on the References and In-reply-to

Check if there's somehow a way to enable that kind of threading in your
client (although one wonders why would such option be disabled...).

Yes, there are two ways of threading. Pegasus chooses to do it purely 
from the subject line, and is unlikely to change.

There may be other ways clients do threading, but the only way actually
supported by e-mail standards and, thus, expected to be supported in all
compliant clients, is the one based on headers. 

(See section 3.6.4 of IETF RFC 5322,

Threading by subject is just a quick and dirty workaround, even if
Pegasus is updated to use the whole subject.

It will, e.g., fail if someone uses an already used subject, while the
standard way is based on message-id, that usually succeeds in being

Also, what if someone changes the subject in a thread? (happens
sometimes, when, hmm, the subject being discussed changes) Will it be
considered a different thread?

Pegasus is an 
excellent email program (would recommend it to those looking at an 
alternative to Outlook, but it doesn't do scheduling/calendar) but is a 

If it is really an alternative to Outlook, I'd drop it immediately,
because that would mean Pegasus handles e-mail as badly as Outlook does.

mature product. David Harris the writer is unlikely to do changes just 
to keep libreoffice users happy... (although it is rumoured that the 35 
character clipping will go when v5 is released, probably still a year 

It is not about making libreoffice users happy, it's about making e-mail
users happy. References and In-Reply-To are extremely useful message
headers, and are /the right way/ to do threading.

If your client can't handle these and you require threading, then I
advise you to look for another client that can handle this.

But I'd try suggesting this to the author of pegasus. I tried to find
something about changes to the threading system in pegasus, but found
nothing so far.

(whoops, seem to have bottom posted...)

Don't worry. No kittens were harmed. Top-posters, OTOH, have PeTA on
their trail.

Nuno J. Silva (aka njsg)

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