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On 2011-09-08, Dave Sergeant wrote:

I use Pegasus Mail and view the posts threaded, which by and large 
works excellently. No need to quote lots in mails as it is very easy to 
locate the original mails.

But Pegasus Mail truncates subject lines, as displayed in folder views, 
to 35 characters, something that will be changed in a later version of 
Pegasus but not for a while yet. Each email on this list is prefixed 
with [libreoffice-users] together with various [re:], [fwd:] and other 
things. Net result is that there are very few characters left out of 
the 35 to accurately thread on, and I get all sorts of totally 
different things threaded together.

Wait, how is pegasus doing threading? Threading should not need the
subject for anything, and just rely on the References and In-reply-to

Check if there's somehow a way to enable that kind of threading in your
client (although one wonders why would such option be disabled...).

If the list admin changed this to something like [lo-users] or even 
[lou] it would make threading far more reliable.

I'd like libo-users, but like Tom said, the idea was to always use the
complete, full name, in order to avoid promoting several, different
names and nicknames.

But still, this is something kind of internal, and shortening it would
at least make more room in some screens for the actual message subject.

Nuno J. Silva (aka njsg)

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