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On 2011-09-08 1:18 PM, Dave Sergeant <> wrote:
Yes, there are two ways of threading.

No, there isn't, there is only one (standardized) way.

Pegasus chooses to do it purely from the subject line, and is
unlikely to change.

Then it will continue to be a seriously BROKEN mail client when it comes to threaded view.

Pegasus is an excellent email program (would recommend it to those
looking at an alternative to Outlook, but it doesn't do

Lol - then it isn't even a *potential* alternative... at least Thunderbird has a half decent calendar (Lightning) and Task Manager - not as polished or integrated as Outlook, for sure, but it works.

but is a mature product. David Harris the writer is unlikely to do
changes just to keep libreoffice users happy.

Then Pegasus is doomed to remain a niche product that few people even know of, much less use.

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