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On 09/05/2011 10:37 AM, David Buckley wrote:
I have been trying to format currency fields in libreoffice using fields
from tables and queries in base, after many tests I have found the
solution to my problem which gives a proper currency output.

If I right click the column in the open table of the database it can be
formatted to currency or any of the other options and this will feed the
format to a query or mail merge and will store the setting for next
time. This works fine if the data is in a table and no further action is

If I need to use a field in a query that is calculated in the query from
a value in a table (like "costone" / 2) the column can be formatted in
the query but the format does not carry to the mailmerge. Also the
format cannot be saved.

The answer is, open the mailmerge starting document, right click on the
field to be formatted, select "fields" from the list, under "format"
select "user defined", open the combi box that says "general", select
"additional formats" and select the one you need. Save the document then
do the mailmerge.

Hope this helps someone as I could not find an answer




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