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Thanks Tom,
but to clarify - "top 20" should say "top 20%".

I have 11 in the top 20% ranking

As of this morning:
     Current Credit (based on incremental update)    5,169,445.20
BOINC World position based on credit (based on incremental update) 12,399 out of 2,247,227 BOINC World position based on RAC (based on incremental update) 8,034 out of 2,247,227 [RAC - recent average credits]
     Accumulated more credit than % of all BOINC users    99.448%

From yesterdays printable award/notice, Cobblestones is our credit system:
"Tim Lungstrom has contributed 5,501,710 Cobblestones of computation (4.75 quintillion floating-point operations) to the following scientific research projects:"

BOINC volunteers are totaling "5,471.08 TeraFLOPS" of computational work done on a daily average. If you total all the work BOINC volunteers do, collectively, on a daily basis, we could be considered the distributive computing version of a supercomputer ranked between the first and second fastest supercomputers in the world.

below is from
#1 K computer [Japan] - 8,162 TeraFLOPS.
#2 Tianhe-1A [China] - 2566 TeraFLOPS
#3 Jaguar [USA - Oak Ridge National Laboratory] - 1759 TeraFLOPS

We volunteers, whether you believe the numbers or not, do a good thing by volunteering our spare CPU and GPU processing time toward helping projects out that need a great deal of number crunching. I myself support form time to time over a half-dozen medical and biomedical projects that need number crunching to do computer modeling in their research for treatments or cures for such things as Cancer, Alzheimer's, and AIDS. Then there are all the other mathematical, cosmological, and other scientific research project that need BOINC volunteers and our spare computing time to be able to do their research.

To be honest, I am passionate about Cancer and Alzheimer's research, since I have had too many friends and families affected by these two nasty illnesses. So, please do not take offense about my strong views on this subject.


On 08/26/2011 08:35 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Ahh, Tim had Cc'd me a screen-shot of Boinc or wherever that showed me the
stats.  The 1% is an average of all the projects they monitor and there is a
vast number of them.  I seem to remember  Tim was in the top 20 or higher for
quite a few.
Regards from
Tom :)

Sent: Fri, 26 August, 2011 16:57:38
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: working on a CD distribution disc for LO,
soumalya ray<>  typed:
you are doing a great wishes

On 26 August 2011 03:34, webmaster for Kracked Press
Productions<>  wrote:


   I am
now in the top 1%
worldwide for this computer-volunteering.

I would like to see an unbiased evidence to your claim that you are in the
top 1% WW for "this computer volunteering". From whom did you receive this?
How was data acquired, etc. etc.. I'd like to know who is doing the tallying
for such information/ percentages.

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