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On 26/08/11 09:41, Andreas Säger wrote:
Am 25.08.2011 20:27, L O wrote:
I am surprised that Base is not a database program. I thought it was
to be something like MS Access? Why is it included then in Libre Office?

I am also trying to create a database in Base (as I did before in
however I also run into problems I never had when using Access...


Access is named Access because it lets you access databases. MS Access
is one of the best frontend tools for databases. In this respect you
can use it very much in the same way as Base. Unfortunately, 90% of
its users try to use the built-in JET database engine instead of a
professional and portable one.

The main difference between Access and Base amounts to a decade of
development and several millions of Dollars.

The one packaged database I really liked was Lotus Approach. It also
used a fairly standard database file (Dbase I think). I now prefer the
separate database and front ends, but that is easy for me. Where these
split systems fall down is when you have a database application that you
want to develop and send to someone you know is incapable of installing
the backend and whose capabilities extend only to double clicking an icon.
May be IBM will donate the Approach code to Apache and save everyone a
lot of work.

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