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Le 22/08/11 20:10, Tom Davies a écrit :

Hi Tom,

Hi :)
I think there are normally choices during install and it's possible to modify 
things after install too.  I was surprised to hear those choices are not 
available on Macs but i guess that is something that will get worked on one day.
Regards from
Tom :)

No, it will probably not get worked on as it is perceived by those who
build the Mac versions of LibreOffice that it would not correspond to
the Mac way of installing software.

You get a DMG file, this is a self-contained disk image which when you
mount it (e.g. by double-click), expands to present a folder window
containing the application to install, some short documentation (help,
readme, etc) and a symbolic link to the usual installation folder on
Mac, i.e. Applications. This is traditionally one of the two main ways
of installing Mac apps using a graphical interface.

The other way is to use the pkg format, optionally encapsulated in a
DMG, (e.g. used by NeoOffice, but also Apple for some packages), which
does often have a series of dialogues allowing the user to indicate
which disk it would like to install the software to, accept the licence
conditions, and optionally select or deselect additional elements to be
installed (or not).

Upon installation, an entry entitled LibreOffice is created in the
Applications folder, and when the app is launched for the first time by
a user, a LibreOffice folder is also created in the users /Application
Support folder.

Additional language packs for LibreOffice are installed in a slightly
different way, as they use AppleScript to copy the files over to the
LibreOffice folder. In this case, the language packs are provided as a
DMG, which open when mounted to provide an *.app (another packaged
installation format), which is essentially an AppleScript wrapper around
a bundle of files, which presents a rudimentary dialog for selecting the
path for their installation.


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