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I believe that AndrewMacro.odt contains an example of selecting cells. If you desire to do so based on the current cursor, I would do something like the following:

1. Get the Active Cell.
2. Use the method of your choice to get a cell range that includes the
   active cell and then the next 10 cells down.
3. User the current controller to select the cells.

Is this a sufficient hint, or do you require more details (it would take me time to figure out the details, but, if you can get the cell range based on the rows and columns, that is probably the easiest way).

On 08/17/2011 01:30 AM, Silva Paulo wrote:
Since uno:GoDown select is broken, how can I select for example 10 cells down (or right) the 
current cell in a basic macro?


Andrew Pitonyak
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