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Hi all,

I am not sure if it is a problem due to the clipboard on my system or a
feature not available in LO.  I thought I will try asking on LO list first
before trying on a linux list.  The problem is that when I copy something
from a webpage (text+images together) from firefox and paste it in LO
writer, the document looks fine but the images are inserted as links in the
documents rather than getting copied to the document.  So whenever I open
such a document, if I am connected to the internet, I can see the images,
but when I am offline, I cant.

Is there a way to embed images in the .odt document (not just as links) when
copying and pasting text+images from a webpage?  Manually copying and
pasting individual images gets painful if there are a lot of images.  I was
hoping if there is an easier way to do it in LO.  If it is not possible to
do this in LO, please let me know if you know any other method for doing
that, e.g., converting .odt (with images as links) to some other format and
then back to .odt!  I would like my final document to be .odt because then I
can add/remove stuff if I need to.

Please also let me know if it could be a problem due to my system, I will
ask for help somewhere else.  I am using kubuntu 10.04 and LibreOffice

Thanks in advance.

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